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Genealogy Updates for 02 March 2023

This is an almost daily list of newly discovered genealogical resources available online, carefully curated by hand. These resources may include articles, databases, news articles, or any other items related to genealogy that catch my attention or are recommended to me. The list is not limited to newly created pages, but may also include pages that have been significantly updated or are simply “new to me.” Each link provided may lead to records for millions of individuals or just a few. Most of the resources on this list are available for free, often supported by advertisements. However, some may require payment to access certain databases. Let’s begin with today’s list!

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Genealogy Updates for 01 March 2023

This is an almost daily list of newly discovered genealogical resources available online, carefully curated by hand. These resources may include articles, databases, news articles, or any other items related to genealogy that catch my attention or are recommended to me. The list is not limited to newly created pages, but may also include pages that have been significantly updated or are simply “new to me.” Each link provided may lead to records for millions of individuals or just a few. Most of the resources on this list are available for free, often supported by advertisements. However, some may require payment to access certain databases. Let’s begin with today’s list!

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Genealogy Updates for 24 February 2023

This is a daily list of newly discovered genealogical resources available online, carefully curated by hand. These resources may include articles, databases, news articles, or any other items related to genealogy that catch my attention or are recommended to me. The list is not limited to newly created pages, but may also include pages that have been significantly updated or are simply “new to me.” Each link provided may lead to records for millions of individuals or just a few. Most of the resources on this list are available for free, often supported by advertisements. However, some may require payment to access certain databases. Let’s begin with today’s list!

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Genealogy Updates for 23 February 2023

This is an almost daily update of new genealogy that can be found online. This is not automated. These are hand-picked articles, databases, news articles, and any other items of genealogical interest that I see on any given day. This list can include significantly updated pages (not just new) and may simply be “new to me” and thus mentioned. Each link may open up genealogy records for millions of people, or just a few records. By far these updates contain free genealogy items, often supported by advertisements, but they may also occasionally consist of genealogical databases that can only be accessed at a cost. Let’s get started with today’s list!

Greenville Treaty Line

Genealogy of Indiana’s “Gore” Region

The following website is designed to help you through researching your ancestors in Indiana’s “Gore”. Guides are available to help you learn where your ancestors’ records are. Free databases point you directly to your ancestors’ records. Databases focus on Dearborn County, Ohio County and Switzerland County, Indiana. The earliest records of Dearborn County were destroyed by fire in 1826.