The Winchester Star – Winchester, MA

The Winchester Public Library have digitized and published online several years of The Winchester Star Weekly Newspaper and plan on eventually including 50 years worth. AccessGenealogy has compiled a listing for the editions currently available, and plan to add to this page as more years become available. Presently there are 13 years available, 1901-1913, and that represents about 680 weekly issues of the newspaper and approximately 6,000 separate digital images. The Winchester Star has been published weekly since 1880.

The Winchester Star is currently published in Lexington Massachusetts, but covers the town of Winchester, Massachusetts in Essex County.

South Africa, Free State Dutch Reformed Church Records, 1848-1956

Ancestry has published a “new” database to their collection: Free State Dutch Reformed Church Records for South Africa, covering the years 1848-1956. The images for this “new” database have been hosted at FamilySearch for some time, and can be freely found there for individuals without an Ancestry membership. There is no difference in the data at either website, and the images at Ancestry are actually hosted by FamilySearch. While the original images at FamilySearch are completely indexed there, the Ancestry database provides relevant “leafing” for users of FTM and Ancestry’s Online Family Trees.

The data included in this collection varies for each town, but may include christenings and marriages.

You can learn more about this collection at the FamilySearch WIKI.

North Carolina High School Yearbooks

The Benson Museum of Local History has published over the past few days two collections of High School Yearbooks into the Archives. AccessGenealogy has tracked them down and provides easy access to digital images for all available volumes. The years covered below are not all inclusive, and the Meadows High School volumes seem to be in some disarray – all pages appear to be present, but out of numerical order. Benson is in Johnston County while Meadows is in Stokes County.

New at AHGP in March 2014

The American History and Genealogy Project (AHGP) are continuing their expansion adding several new county and state websites over the past month:

AHGP is a volunteer led project which is devoted to providing free genealogy data and information online. Contributions to the project are welcomed and encouraged!