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Genealogy Updates for 23 February 2023

This is an almost daily list of newly discovered genealogical resources available online, carefully curated by hand. These resources may include articles, databases, news articles, or any other items related to genealogy that catch my attention or are recommended to me. The list is not limited to newly created pages but may also include pages that have been significantly updated or are simply “new to me.” Each link provided may lead to records for millions of individuals or just a few. Most of the resources on this list are available for free, often supported by advertisements. However, some may require payment to access certain databases. Let’s begin with today’s list from GenealogyUpdate!


    Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrants

    This article provides guidance on accessing the Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrants for free. By following two straightforward steps, which involve searching and browsing the microfilms, you can easily locate your ancestor’s pension or bounty-land record from the Revolutionary War and download the images. Between 1800 and 1900, the United States issued over 80,000 pensions and bounty-land warrants to Revolutionary War soldiers, their spouses, and children. Was your ancestor one of the recipients?

    Alabama Genealogy

    Clarke County, Alabama, and Its Surroundings, 1540-1877

    The full title to this manuscript is A glance into the great south-east, or, Clarke County, Alabama, and Its Surroundings, from 1540 to 1877. He called the title “A glance into the great south-east” in part because the reader should be able to form a full and correct idea of the early settlement, the productions, and the present [1878] condition of that larger region characterized by the growth of the long leaf pine, and of that still larger region known as the cotton-growing belt of the United States, at least of that portion of it lying east of the Mississippi river. As such, this work is largely an historic writing which should shine light on your ancestors situation in Clarke County, Alabama during the time period up to 1877. It gives fodder to the stories you will want to write and tell. Sprinkled throughout the manuscript, however, are tidbits about this person or that, and in those tidbits you may find out things you never knew about your family. Come read it, or download it for free!

    Arizona Genealogy

    Arizona Land Records

    Newly updated listing of available Arizona land records online. Arizona is a public-domain state, and its land can be directly acquired from the federal government. Early land claims were frequently for mining enterprises, and records are held at the BLM Arizona State Office. The county recorder of each county has jurisdiction over the respective county’s land records. When examining land records, it is essential to understand how ownership was acquired. The FHL has microfilm copies of most county land records in Arizona and you will find them linked to from this page.

    Arkansas Genealogy

    History of Greene County, Arkansas

    The History of Greene county, Arkansas written by Vivian Mayo Hansbrough in 1946 is a great second hand accounting of Greene County, Arkansas history. Her sources were those residents who lived there, old newspapers, other manuscripts, and two notebooks of manuscript from Professor C. E. Richardson. It is written as a narrative of the county’s history and you will find relics of information about Green County ancestors sprinkled throughout. Read, search, or download the book.

    History of Scott County, Arkansas

    The History of Scott County, Arkansas by Henry Grady McCutchen serves as an attempt of an impartial and connected account of the leading facts of Scott County history. The history cannot be told, however, by combing the county records. Scott County has been unlucky with record keeping. It’s Courthouse having burned to the ground twice, the first time in 1882 before Henry McCutchen had a chance to reference them. Not to be disheartened Mr. McCutchen utilized State and Federal resources to put together a concise history of the county. Read, search, or download the book.

    Genealogy Articles

    Land Deeds Research > Genealogy Help

    Deeds are legally binding documents that contain critical information on land ownership and transactions, dating back to the earliest periods of American settlement. They are an invaluable resource for historians, genealogists, and real estate professionals seeking to explore details about specific land parcels or to trace the evolution of land usage over time. Join us to discover how to utilize these exceptional and often overlooked genealogical records!

    Genealogy Podcasts

    RLP with DNA 4 – Create a Research Objective > Research Like a Pro

    Today’s episode of Research Like a Pro is about chapter 4 of Research Like a Pro with DNA ‘Create a Research Objective.” We discuss how to find research questions in your tree, the limitations of different types of DNA for helping answer those questions, and how to form a written objective with unique identifiers. We also discuss phases of a project.

    Genealogy in the News